Planting wheat in a pot is still a great way to educate students on the importance of whole grain consumption. Since it’s a smaller amount of space, planting in a pot requires a different process than if you would plant directly into the ground.
Punch small drainage holes in the cups.
Fill cups about 2/3 full of moist soil leaving at least ½” of space below the lip of the cup.
Plant 2-3 wheat seeds in a paper cup at a depth of 1½”. If you are using 4”-6” pots, plant six to eight seeds in each pot. Place the cups or pots in a pan that will catch drainage water.
Water as needed to keep the soil moist, but not overly wet. Grow the wheat in a well-lit area (sunlight or artificial grow lights) and keep the wheat at room temperature.
In approximately 3 months, the properly cared for wheat plants should produce a head (spike). After the head is fully developed, stop watering the wheat and harvest it when the plant becomes dry and the wheat kernels are hard throughout.