Large Field
When you have a lot of space available, planting wheat into the ground in a field is a great way to yield large results to the crop.
At the beginning of the planting season, care for your wheat plot by removing all excess weeds or plants that have grown over the off season. You can make this a class a garden day activity with your students. Rake and move the soil around until generally cleared. Add generous amounts of water and leave for a few days.
Make sure to add fertilizer to the soil prior to planting. In general, for best growth and yield, wheat plants need the following nutrients: Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), Phosphorus (P), Sulphur (S), Magnesium (Mg), Iron (Fe), Μanganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Calcium (Ca). You can purchase a bone meal fertilizer at a local home improvement store to apply to the soil before planting to ensure all nutrients are present.
After steps 1 and 2, you can begin planting the wheat. Depending on the size of the wheat plot, use a hand shovel to make rows vertical to the length of the box, around 1-2 inches deep.
Add seed generously throughout the rows using a seeder or by hand. Once the seeds are planted, cover the seeds loosely with soil. Water generously after the seeds are covered.
Example Timeline
Plot designation and prep, Create fence, Lay compost/amendments/organic fertilizer, Turn the soil, Place irrigation, wet the soil before planting, 1 in a week before planting, *Optional weeding time*
Plant with a fertilizer distributor (25-30 seeds per square ft), *note: planting time no later than the first week of November to align harvest time with the end of the school year
Ongoing after planting: Maintain plot, Weeding, Irrigation (first weeks for germination and support), Wheat matures, Incorporate measuring and evaluating stages of growth in lesson plans as wheat matures
Harvesting process: Cutting, Threshing, Winnowing, Storing, Milling, Baking
Plant beans after wheat crop is finished