Lesson Plan
Whole Wheat Foods Lesson Plan (4th - 6th grade)
Estimated Time: 55 minutes
Purpose of the Lesson
To introduce students to Whole Wheat, parts of wheat grain, and purpose in consumption.
Lesson Objectives
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
Explain the difference between refined and whole wheat products
Define “whole wheat”
Identify the three parts of a wheat kernel
Suggested CDE Standards
Grade 4:
4.7.3.N Identify ways to establish and maintain healthy eating practices consistent with current research-based guidelines for a nutritionally balanced diet.
Grade 5:
5.1.8.N Describe the benefits of eating a nutritionally balanced diet consistent with current research-based dietary guidelines.
5.6.1.N Monitor personal progress toward a nutritional goal.
Grade 6:
WHST.6-8.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.
Lesson Activity
Time 0-5 min:
Give Background Information
Ask students to share their favorite foods
Ask students to theorize what it means to be “whole wheat”
Time 5-20 min:
Student Worksheets and Presentation
Pass out Whole Wheat worksheet
Access and Present the Whole Wheat Presentation
If the age group is appropriate, students can take notes on the Notes section of the hand out
Stop the presentation at slide 10, “Are they healthier?”
Time 20-30 min:
Class Discussion and Worksheets
Ask students to fill out the worksheet with the presentation information
Students can work independently or collaborative
Time 30-45 min:
Resume the presentation to the last slide
Explain the instructions of the Activity
In small groups, students will receive several wheat products
Working together, they have to separate them into two piles: Whole Wheat Foods or Refined Foods
Have students review their answers as a class (all teams will have the same items and volunteers can sort them to move through the list)
Time 45-50 min:
Closing - Whole Wheat Discussion
Once review of answers happens, have students discuss the following questions:.
Which group of foods is healthier?
Why is it healthier?
Which foods from the Whole Wheat group do they already eat?
How can they incorporate more whole wheat into their diets?
Laminate the food cards to be reused in future classes
Make the sorting into a relay game and knock down points from wrong answers
What are refined wheat foods?
What are whole wheat foods?
Explain why including the germ and bran in wheat is important.
Materials & Resources
Worksheet, pencil,
Food cards, Presentation
Printable Version: