Lesson Plan

Carbohydrates Lesson Plan (4th - 6th grade)

Estimated Time: 55 minutes

Purpose of the Lesson

To introduce students to types of Carbohydrates, role of carbohydrates, and sources of Carbs in common foods. 

Lesson Objectives

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

Suggested CDE Standards

Grade 4:

4.7.3.N Identify ways to establish and maintain healthy eating practices consistent with current research-based guidelines for a nutritionally balanced diet.

Grade 5:

5.1.8.N  Describe the benefits of eating a nutritionally balanced diet consistent with current research-based dietary guidelines. 

5.6.1.N  Monitor personal progress toward a nutritional goal.

Grade 6:

WHST.6-8.2  Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.

Lesson Activity

Time 0-10 min:

Give Background Information  

Time 10-20 min:

Student Worksheets 

Time 20-35 min:

Class Discussion

Time 35-50 min:

“Carbohydrates in our Diets” side of Worksheet

Time 50-55 min:

Closing - Carbohydrate Food Consumption



What are simple and complex carbs?

Is white flour simple or complex? What about whole wheat? 

Has the student ever had a whole wheat bread or whole wheat tortillas or pasta?

*Which parts of the kernel are simple and which are complex?

*Connect with your school’s Food Service manager. Ensure students have had whole wheat conchas or pasta before the Lesson. The students can identify our partnering schools’ foods as the complex fiber foods.  

Materials & Resources

Printable Version:

Lesson Plan for Lesson 5: What are Carbohydrates?