Lesson Plan
Wheat Plant Parts Lesson Plan (3rd - 6th grade)
Estimated Time: 55 minutes
Purpose of the Lesson
To introduce students to important parts of a wheat plant, their functions, and how they contribute to the end-result of flour production.
Lesson Objectives
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
Identify different parts in a wheat plant.
Revisit source materials to select important information.
Take legible notes and communicate effectively with each other about relevant information.
Collaborate with peers to utilize tools and execute instructions
Suggested CDE Standards
Grade 3:
Writing Applications 2.2 Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to present and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experience
Grade 4:
4-LS1-1. Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal and external structures that function to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction.
Grade 5:
W.5.1.a–d Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information. (5-LS1-1).
Grade 6:
WHST.6–8.2.a–f Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/experiments, or technical processes. (MS-LS1-5)
Lesson Activity
Time 0-15 min:
Give Background Information
Show CWC minute video Link: https://youtu.be/fs_eXmCWNzI
Ask students to verbally discuss which part of the wheat is the most important and to justify their reasoning. Which part of the wheat plant is the least important, in their opinion, and why?
Time 15-40 min:
Student Worksheets
Pass out Plant Part identification worksheet
Students work independently to label parts of the wheat plant
On the second side of the worksheet, students can rewatch the video, utilize laptops, etc. to jot down important notes for each wheat part. [“Notes” side left flexible to adapt to different note styles; one example here]
Time 40-50 min:
Plant Observation
Pass out the wheat plants* and magnifying glass
Allow students to examine the plant
Facilitate a check for understanding through these guiding questions:
Can you identify the head, awn, and kernels?
What do you notice about the stem?
What are some characteristics of the leaves?
Which parts that we discussed today are missing from this plant?
Time 50-55 min:
Closing Options
Students compare notes to see if anyone picked up new information
Review the worksheet key and ask student volunteers to share some functions/information of each plant part
* To request wheat plants, email info@californiawheat.com
Make labels out of sticky notes to label the physical plant
Have students pair up for research note portion of the lesson
Can the students identify all the parts of the wheat?
Can students explain the structure’s placement on the plant?
Can students give the primary function of each part of the wheat?
Materials & Resources
Wheat Plant
Chromebooks or Laptops
Magnifying Glass
LP4 Wheat Part Worksheet .pdf [one per student]
LP4 Worksheet Key.pdf [one for instructor]
Spanish sheets: LP 4 SPAN Wheat Part Worksheet.pdf
Printable Version: