Lesson Plan
Soil Test Lesson Plan (3rd - 6th grade)
Estimated Time: 60 minutes
Purpose of the Lesson
To introduce students to pH testing, N-P-K testing equipment, analyze data, and assess quality of soil.
Lesson Objectives
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
Measure the pH and N-P- K of soil
Follow directions by reading them on the instruction sheet.
Listen to directions, literally in the field.
Take Legible Notes and communicate effectively with each other about measurements.
Quality Control of Measurements, be able to assess if the results make sense.
Suggested CDE Standards
3rd grade:
3-LS4-3. Construct an argument with evidence that in a particular habitat some organisms can survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all.
4th grade:
4-LS1-1. Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal and external structures that function to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction.
4-ESS3-1. Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from natural resources and their uses affect the environment.
5th grade:
5-LS2-1. Develop a model to describe the movement of matter among plants, animals, decomposers, and the environment.
5-ESS3-1. Obtain and combine information about ways individual communities use science ideas to protect the Earth’s resources and environment.
5-PS3-1. Make observations and measurements to identify materials based on their properties.
Lesson Activity
Time 0-5 min:
Attendance/Seating Chart/Soil Assignment
Divide class into the amount of Soil Test packages you have. Ensure there are at least 4 people in a group.
Time 5-10 min:
Teach pH & N-P-K
Play video to give background knowledge of the scale of pH and why it is important, what range are we looking for and what does it mean?
In the video N- P- K will be taught, what are they, how do they help the plant?
Time 10-25 min:
Solution Preparation
Students in each group will prepare a soil solution sample (one cup per group should be sufficient but more can be done)
Spread out soil on a piece of paper
Pickout leaves, stones, and sticks
Use the back of the spoon to crush any lumps that are bigger than a pea
Solution for Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Tests
Measure 2 tablespoons of water into the plastic cup
Add two FLOC-EX TesTabs (5504A). Stir with spoon until tablets break apart and disintegrate.
Add one teaspoon of the soil to the cup. Stir for one minute.
Allow the cup to sit for one minute or until the soil settles to the bottom of the cup.
Avoid disturbing the soil.
Time 25-40 min:
Indoor Hands on Learning
Hand out “worksheet” so each student can record results and report back to their group.
Hand out instruction sheets for the pH, phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen tests.
Students run their test simultaneously and can pair up if there are more than 4 students in a group
Walk around in case students have questions
Time 40-60 min:
Have students clean up stations and discard of material
Students share their results and compare with other groups
Read the “Interpreting Your Results” section of the Soil Kit Guide guide. As a class figure out the amounts of nutrients needed in the plot based off results.
Exit Questions
What did you learn about your task/ job today?
How or what would you do differently next time?
Teach the pH & soil testing kits in the classroom as a lab activity.
Do the pH Test, Soil N- P- K Test results make sense?
Materials & Resources
Soil Testing Kits
Aluminum Trays for Soil
Measuring Cups
Tape & Markers (for labeling)
Distilled Water
Various Other Tools Needed for Soil Collection
Instruction Sheet for Each Group 2022 Soil Test Instructions.pdf
Worksheet for each students LP 2 Worksheet.pdf
Spanish: SPAN LP2 Hoja de Trabajo.pdf
Soil Kit
Hold All Soil Test Kit
Product Link
Instructions for Teachers
Set up stations inside the classroom (amount is dependent on amount of groups) Each station should have a soil test package with the four tests, cups, droppers, trays, spoons, and cut up instruction sheet.
Have the soil in the classroom beforehand, students will walk up to collect soil into a tray and get distilled water when needed (won’t have large amounts of soil or a jug of water at each station, all station must share from communal mound and jug).
During the Lesson
Have the students throw out sticks, rocks, pebbles, etc. that were deposited in the trays. Then the students will use the back of spoons to break the soil into fine particles.
Each station should have one tray of soil
After the soil mixtures are ready, remind all the pH testers that they wont need the solution mixture and to pay close attention to their instructions.
Towards the End
After all tests are concluded, have the students clean their stations and share their results for their respective tests. Have the students write down the results of their group.
Lead the “interpreting the results” section, older students can attempt to do it independently. Check that their math is correct if so. Ask the reflective questions.
Instructions that the Students have
(after they do the initial soil solution cup as a group)
pH Test
Remove cap from the green capped tube Fill tube to the 10mL line with water
Add one SOIL pH TesTab (5503A)
Use green test tube cap to add one capful of soil
Cap tube and shake thoroughly. Mix by inverting 10 times
Allow soil to settle for one minute or until clear, colored solution is visible above soil layer
Compare color of solution to the pH Color Chart and note your results
Clean out tube and put away
Nitrogen Test
Remove the red cap from the tube (please note that the color of the capsules should match the color of the tube cap)
Using the dropper provided, fill the tube to the 5 mL line with the clear solution (above the soil) in the plastic cup; Avoid disturbing the sediment
Add one NITRATE CTA (3703A) TesTab Cap tube and shake thoroughly for 2 minutes
Wait 5 minutes for color to develop
Compare the color of solution to the Nitrogen Color Chart.
For best results allow daylight, not direct sunlight, to illuminate the solution. Note your results in your worksheet.
Phosphorus Test
Remove the blue cap from the tube (please note that the color of the capsules should match the color of the tube cap)
Using the dropper provided, fill the tube with 1/4 teaspoon of the clear the clear solution (above the soil) in the plastic cup; Avoid disturbing the sediment
Fill to 10 mL line with water
Add one PHOSPHORUS (5422A) TesTab Cap tube and shake thoroughly until the tablet disintegrates
Wait 5 minutes for color to develop
Compare the color of solution to the Phosphorus Color Chart.
For best results allow daylight, not direct sunlight, to illuminate the solution. Note your results in your worksheet.
Potassium Test
Remove the yellow cap from the tube (please note that the color of the capsules should match the color of the tube cap)
Using the dropper provided, fill the tube to the 10 mL line with the clear solution (above the soil) in the plastic cup; Avoid disturbing the sediment
Add one POTASSIUM (5424A) TesTab Cap tube and shake thoroughly until the tablet disintegrates
Hold the tube over the black squares on the Potassium Color Chart.
Match the cloudiness of the solution in the tube to a gray square on the Potassium Color Chart. For best results allow daylight, not direct sunlight, to illuminate the solution. Note your results in your worksheet.
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